Aerial of a river flowing through green land

Data that makes waves.

Data at the speed of 244hz

Our industry-leading technology starts with millions of data points everyday measured by with highly accurate sensors. At 244hz, our cloud AI deciphers what every change in pressure and flow means for you and your property.

Mockup of the Phyn dashboard on a phone
Mockup of the Phyn dashboard on a phone

Detailed Usage Metrics

Discover your water usage trends with insightful metrics about everyday use or in aggregate across several months. Drill down even further with water use plus to see usage by fixtures or fixture type.

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Graphic representing Phyn's wifi capability

Unique Signals

Phyn’s Ph.D. level AI has billions of water events and decades of data to model, learn, and improve from. Once installed, it compares those models to the unique signals of every fixture and appliance connected to the plumbing on the property. Individual property models improve daily with each water event and are as dynamic as the water systems they protect.

Multi-Unit Dashboard

Alerts & More

Easily view the status of your entire property portfolio by magnitude of issue, and proactively manage areas of concern.